ON Semiconductor

ON Semiconductor

Model FAN7387 - Half Bridge Gate Driver



The FAN7387 is a simple control IC for common half- bridge inverters, SMPS, and ballast for fluorescent and HID lamps. The FAN7387 has an oscillating circuit using an external resistor and capacitor.  The frequency variation is very stable across a wide temperature range. The FAN7387 has an external pin for dead time control and shutdown. Using this resistor, the designer can choose the optimum dead time to reduce power loss on switching devices, such as transistors and MOSFETs.


  • Internal Clock Using RCT
  • External Sync Function Using RCT
  • Dead Time Control Using Resistor
  • Shut Down (Disable Mode)
  • Internal Shunt Regulator
  • UVLO Function, High and Low Side


  • Lighting

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