JTECH Medical Industries, Inc.

JTECH Medical Industries, Inc.

Model Grip Strength - Grip Strength Measurement Devices and Software


Grip strength products from JTECH Medical give you the ability to provide a snapshot of a patient's health and functional ability in minutes. Our grip strength measurement tools track improvement over time and give your patients and referrers solid, objective evidence to prove the efficacy of your treatment. 


Health in Your Hands

Hand strength is one of the most important aspects of a person's autonomy, and is increasingly seen as a leading indicator of our overall health.

The Commander Echo Console and Grip is a grip strength product ideal for portable, fast and efficient measurement of grip strength. 

Northstar software from JTECH gives you unmatched documentation with a grip strength test summary, details, and history that can be tailored to your exact needs.

Powered by Northstar

Perform max grip, sustained grip, rapid exchange grip, or use it with your own custom testing protocols.
Our grip strength measurement tools are as versatile as you are.

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