Osby Parca

Osby Parca

Model GTP-Å - Oil Gas Boilers.



Reliable boiler solution that provides steam for operations with either constant or varied out-take needs. This boiler also can be adapted for bio gas and bio oil. The boiler is of 3-pass type and consists of an horizontal pressure vessel, insulated with 150 mm mineral wool and covered with white enamel AluZinc plating. The combustion takes place in the firing tube, after which the flue gases turn in the turning chamber, pass through the first and the second tube pass. The flue gas outlet is positioned in the rear end of the boiler.

The entire firing tube, including the turning cham...

The entire firing tube, including the turning chamber and the burner connection, is water-cooled and elastically mounted between the boiler ends. In this way, the firing pipe can expand, and there is no need for masonry work in the turning chamber and around the burner connection. The flue gas tubes’ standard thickness is 4 mm, the high thickness provide increased strength and longer product life. Furthermore they are countersunk and welded in line with the turning chamber end, this feature helps in avoiding cracks in the turning chamber tube ends.


  • 1050–19600 kg steam output per hour
  • Reliable and efficient way of generating steam
  • Can be adapted for bio oil and bio gas
  • Can be delivered complete with function and safety ancillaries
  • Approximately 90% efficiency rate

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