Shenzhen Ffd Power Tec Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Ffd Power Tec Co., Ltd

Model Ky-Est Series - Hybrid Inverter/Three-phase 30KW ~ 60KW


KY-EST30KH/ KY-EST35KH/ KY-EST40KH/ KY-EST45KH/KY-EST50KH/ KY-EST55KH/ KYEST60KH/KY-EST65KH series inverters, also known as hybrid or bidirectional solar inverters, are suitable for photovoltaic , energy management of solar energy systems such as batteries, loads, and grids. The electricity generated by the photovoltaic panels is used for residential electricity, and the excess electricity can be stored in batteries. When the battery is fully charged, the user can send the excess power to the grid. When the photovoltaic power is not enough to meet the user’s load demand, the battery will discharge to the load. If there is insufficient energy storage in the battery, the grid will supply power to the load through the system.The inverter has a transformerless topology and there is no isolation between DC input and AC output. Adaptive PV models must meet the IEC61730 class a standard. The energy management system is shown in Figure

KY-EST Series Hybrid

Inverter/Three-phase 30KW-60KW
  • PV & Storage System : Intergrated PV and storage system model,supporting various kind of batteries,and intergrates EMS smart energy management system;
  • Smart Switching : Modular design,supporting mutiple parallel connections,expandable power and capacity;
  • Wide voltage Input Range: Wide PV voltage input range 180V-1000V,wide batteries voltage range 220V-880V
  • Safety and Reliable:IP54 protection,all-aluminum design,built-in anti-lightning protection,high precision leakage protecyion;
  • Smart and Simple:Ultra silent,flexible communications,support remote/local USB upgrade;
  • Efficient Power Generation:High-current instantaneous charge-discharge switching to improve power generation efficiency.

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