Model P154 - Hydrokinetic Turbine 20kW
This compact river and tidal curent turbine has been developed in order to provide electricity to non interconnected areas (isolated villages, islands with industrial activities). Associated to our hybrid storage and production system, it can supply an autonomous grid up to 30 kW crest per turbine. Currenly, the electricity cost in these areas is significant and governed by Oil price. Hydrokinetic turbines are the best solutions to supply electricity for islands or rural areas close to rivers.
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Power: 700 - 20 000 W
Water depth required: 3 m
Size: 3 m x 2.3 mm
Weight: 750 kg
Power converter: C154 Hybrid 20.40
A Cost-Effective Solution
Association to our hybrid conversion and storage system, P154 turbine can supply an autonomous electrical grid competitive with Genset.
With a current velocity of 2.5 m/s:A daily production of 270 kWh and annual of 100 000 kWh
Full integrated production system:
- 100 kWh batteries
- 5 kWc PV panels
- 30 kW inverter
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