ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd.

ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd.

Model S-PRO 4000 - Sub-Harmonic Protection Relay



The S-PRO sub-harmonic protection relay protects generators, wind turbines, and SVC equipment from uncontrollable sub-harmonics which cause

Product Overview

  • Sub-Synchronous Torsional Interaction (SSTI)
  • Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction (SSCI) and
  • Ferro-resonance

The S-PRO monitors potentially harmful Sub-Synchronous Oscillation (SSO) in real time & detects Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) in transmission lines with power controller interactions such as FACTS or HVDC lines, particularly those lines with series compensation and interconnected with wind farms .

Protect against sustained sub-harmonics in wind farm operations
Un-damped sub-harmonic current oscillations created by series capacitors interacting with the wind system can cause serious damage to wind turbine controllers and also to conventional generators. The wind turbine's own mechanical system interactions (tower-to-blade) can also generate sub-harmonics, which are detrimental to induction generators and transformers, and may cause resonance at the point of common coupling in the electrical grid.

The S-PRO relay detects these sub harmonic oscillations and allows the utility to monitor and protect the power system by isolating the healthy grid from sub-harmonic generation sources.

Features & Benefits:

  • Built on a contemporary new substation hardened hardware platform and powered by a state-of-the-art processor
  • Protects the grid from sub harmonic oscillations at the point-of-common-coupling every 1 second, with additional user-configurable delays
  • Provides real time processing of voltage and current signals, comprehensive sub-harmonic protection, with sub-harmonic monitoring for each frequency in the range from 5 Hz to 40 Hz
  • Flexible Communications
    • State-of-the-art communications (2 rear ports, 100BASE-TX RJ-45 or 100BASE-FX 1300 nm multimode optical with ST style connector to accommodate the industry’s latest network-based communications)
    • Ethernet ports with 2 unique MAC addresses that easily accommodate network access security needs
    • Front panel USB and 100BASE-TX RJ-45 Ethernet port interfaces (readily accommodate modern standard laptops)
  • Reduced Cost
    • Product setting time – 240 x 128 LCD graphical user interface provides convenient means to check/change specific settings and parameters
  • Improved Overall Response Time
    • Expedited response to systems events (11 generic front panel LEDs can be mapped to internal elements) allowing operators to quickly identify the cause of system events

Easy to Use

  • Flexible programmable logic for building customized schemes with ProLogic™ statements – 24 control logic statements (total of 192 statements)
  • User-friendly, Windows-based relay setting and record analysis software
  • Enhanced DNP3.0 Level 2 SCADA communication protocol including user-selectable point lists, class support and multiple master station support
  • Exceptional fault recording capabilities with 96 s/cycle, all channels with events (best combination of waveform accuracy and file size)

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