Model SRCF 30 MW - 150 MW - Steam Turbines
From Steam Turbines
Single flow, HP section flow in opposite direction to IP and LP (reverse) flow, single cylinder. This turbine standard has been developed to answer to needs of our customers both in the industrial and utility sector. Full arch, fully reaction HP section version is available as the control stage version, to fit any operational configuration. Machine of this configuration may be realized with or without reheat starting from the smallest sizes.
- Biomass Power Plants
- Coal Fired Plants
- Co-generation CHP
- Combined Cycle Power Plants
- District Heating Plants
- Geothermal Power Plants
- Heat Recovery
- Solar-Thermal Plants
- Waste To Energy Plants
Market Segments
- Chemical
- Cement Processing
- Food Processing
- Paper Mills
- Petrochemical
- Refineries
- Sugar Plants
Design Features
The FTM steam turbines philosophy is to organize its product line in different standard turbine modules arranged alone or together to tailor our solutions to customer specific needs.
Dedicated design solutions are thought to give FTM steam turbines the best fitting to every market range, from industrial to pure power generation.
- Back Pressure or Condensing Configuration
- Integral steam chest or separated valves assemblies
- High back pressure LSB families up to 5m2 anular exhaust area
- LSB up to 10 m2 anular exhaust area (50 Hz)
- Fully 3D stator and rotor reaction bladings for the highest level blade path efficiency
- Any kind of controlled extraction or induction/bleeding
- Skid supplied solutions (industrial), any direction exhaust casings and high recovery and efficiency axial ones
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