Moss - Solid Fuel Boiler Systems
From MOSS Solid Fuel Boiler Systems
Moss provides steam and hot water boiler systems designed to fit your wood (sawdust, bark, chips, planner shavings, hogged fuels), coal (anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, or lignite) or biomass (wheat, corn, rice, coffee, pecan shells, peanut hulls, rice, poultry litter, animal by products, cow manure, etc.) fuel burning applications. Our solid waste fired boiler systems range in pressures from 15 PSIG to more than 1,275 PSIG with or without superheat and in sizes from 150 HP to 250,000 lbs./hr. (7,246 HP). These solid fuel fired boilers are installed with the correct gasifier based combustion system to meet your process energy and regulatory requirements. Boilers are designed to meet AP 42, BACT or MACT Federal emission guidelines.
The systems are controlled by the Moss PLC combust...
The systems are controlled by the Moss PLC combustion control and steam management systems providing you with the best available solid fuel fired boiler system for industrial applications. All systems are clean burning, dependable, low maintenance and provide low air emissions for particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). In order to meet the air quality regulatory requirements for each application, the system may be provided with any of the following: mechanical collector, electrostatic precipitator (ESP), dry scrubber, wet scrubber, baghouse, selective non catalytic reduction (SNCR) or selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. Please contact us for any wood, biomass or coal solid fuel fired boiler applications. Pricing can be given for equipment only or for turnkey installations including material storage/material handling, water treatment equipment, cogeneration systems, and building/foundations. Please see our combustion and control system designs detailed within this website. Our many flexible modular designs and system technology capabilities allows you to select the system that is best for your company - not what is best for the company selling the system.
Listed below are some of the solid fuels applicabl...
Listed below are some of the solid fuels applicable for burning in our boiler/combustion system designs:
- Animal by products: Sugar Cane Bagasse
- Poultry litter: Coffee Grounds
- Peanut hulls: Coal (anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous or lignite)
- Corn (Shelled): Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
- Corn Cobs: Tire Derived Fuel (TDF)
- Corn Stover: General Plant Waste or Sludge
- Oat Hulls: Dried Sewage Sludge - Digested
- Rice Husks: Pulp Sludge
- Pecan Shells: De-inking Sludge
- Coconut Hulls: Wood
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