Munters VariMax - Once-Through Heater (OTH)
From Heaters
The VariMax™ OTH (Once-Through Heater) is a high efficiency, industrial, indirect-fired gas heater used to heat process air streams without contaminating the air with the products of combustion. The OTH is well-suited for recirculating ovens, dryers, makeup-air applications in cold environments, and industrial processes with moderate temperature rises. The counterflow configuration, four-pass design and optimized, secondary, tubular heat-exchanger result in efficiencies up to 88%.
The heater uses a Maxon® industrial gas burner...
The heater uses a Maxon® industrial gas burner for clean, reliable combustion. The OTH can handle airflows from 2000 to 65,000 SCFM, produce air temperature rises from 20°F to 150°F, with a maximum outlet temperature of 600°F, and are constructed of heavy-duty, stainless-steel for strength, durability and corrosion-resistance.
Product Information
- 80% min effectiveness
- Up to 150°F rise
- Up to 600°F discharge
- Flanged for duct mounting
- Optional gas train & control packages
- Complete heater box supply
- Complete heating packages available, including filters, dampers, fans and duct sections
- Available in 6 pre-designed sizes: 500 MBTU - 3,500 MBTU
- Designed to use on Maxon OvenPak burners
- .2% maximum leakage
- Stainless steel casing
- Burners (oil / gas)
- Centrifugal fan
- Stainless steel sheet metal casing
- Insulation
- Dampers
- Indirect-fired gas heat
- High efficiency air filters
- Gas, electric, hot water, steam, heat
- Multi-fuel burners
- Low-NOx burner
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