Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH

Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH

- Model TCG 2020 - Gas Engine



Gas engine TCG 2020 / TCG 2020 K - Facts and Figures,Output range from 1,200 to 2,000 kwe.Best electrical and thermal efficiency in its output class.Runs on all gas types: natural gas, biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas, mine gas, etc.TCG 2020 is mainly used for CHP plants in Europe and for biogas worldwide.TCG 2020K was especially adapted to non-ISO conditions such as high altitudes or high intake air temperatures in the field of natural gas.More than 2000 power generators with approximately 2,800,000 kwe already installed around the globe.

Low Operating Costs - Gas Engine Tcg 2020 / Tcg 2020 K

TCG 2020 – High Profitability Thanks to High Efficiency

  • Improvements of the intake duct and spark plug provide higher efficiency compared to predecessor model
  • Miller valve control times increase genset efficiency

TCG 2020K – Optimized for Isolated Operation and Non-ISO Conditions

  • Load response in only seven steps
  • Fast and reliable supply in the event of grid failures or in isolated operation
  • Special 1,000 kwe variant available for high altitude setup and different intake air temperatures

Higher Efficiency and Lower Pollutant Emissions

  • Smaller dead spaces in combustion chamber ensure more complete combustion
  • Reduced fuel consumption and CO and HC emissions
  • This enables gas savings of up to 15 percent a year and increases the profitability of the plant

Higher Efficiency and Long Maintenance Intervals

  • Effective crankcase ventilation increases efficiency by utilizing the returned combustible blow-by gas
  • Optimized blow-by return and improved separation of the gas phase and liquid phase enable longer maintenance intervals for the turbocharger thanks to the clean intake air

K Editions: Maximum Output at Low Costs

  • Improved output capacity of TCG 2020K under non-ISO conditions and excellent load response through optimum turbocharger design with broad performance map
  • New turbocharger TCR 16 for TCG 2020 with water-cooled bearing housing eliminates need for separate maintenance stages for the turbocharger
  • Low turbocharger maintenance costs result in lower life cycle costs of the gensets


High Reliability - Gas Engine Tcg 2020 / Tcg 2020 K

Few Interruptions Due to Long Maintenance Intervals

  • No more than two interruptions a year due to scheduled maintenance
  • Longest interval until major overhaul compared to competitors
  • Use of Xchange components enables time savings of up to 75 percent during the major overhaul, resulting in reduced costs

High Reliability through Mature Drive Technology in 60 Hz Range

  • Engine can be operated with an optimum speed of 1500 RPM.
  • Lower speed ensures stable and complete combustion, resulting in lower CO emissions and less component wear and tear


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