NexGen Energia Ltd.

NexGen Energia Ltd.

- Model NX 100 PCX-1 SAE10W40 API: SM - Passenger Car Engine Oil



NX 100 PCX-1 SAE10W40 API: SM a high quality performance engine oil, meeting requirements of selected base oils and additives, to suit petrol and diesel engines.

Products Details

RECOMMENDED NX 100 PCX-1 SAE 10W40 API: SM lor All type of Gasoline operated vehicles like TOYOTA, RENOULT NISSAN / HONDA' MARUTI / FORD/ HONDA /. It is pure synthetic oil highly recommended for all modem next generation gasoline cars. These oils are blended from high viscosity index synthetic base stocks and contain very high quality additives to meet the highest performance standard.

PERFORMANCE LEVEL NX 100 PCX-1 SAE 10W40 meets and exceeds the requirements of API SM

PACKING SIZE: ILtr. 3Ltr., 3.5Ltr..4Ltr.. 5Ltr. 50Ltr. 210Ltr.

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