KMB Systems, s.r.o.

KMB Systems, s.r.o.

- Model 2618 3-P APFCR - Power Factor Controllers



NOVAR 2618 (and NOVAR 2607, 2609, 2616) represents a professional model of the innovated�APFC line NOVAR�with three data logging options. It is based on the innovated hardware platform with improved, precise and continuous evaluation and control of all required parameters in a complete three phase system. It is fully automatic and it has a simple installation. It offers up to 18 relay outputs to control combinations of single-, two and three-phase compensation steps of both the compensation capacitors and decompensation reactors.

As an addition to the three phase automatic power ...

As an addition to the three phase automatic power factor controller function the instrument also includes a universal power meter (multimeter). It can be equipped with optional 512MB of internal memory where the runtime data can be logged. Archives can be downloaded into the PC and simply analysed to evaluate history of compensation system performance. The built-in four-quadrant electricity meter registers both active and reactive energy in up to 3 different user defined tariffs(TOU).

A large, bright and high resolution display provides all the required information on one screen. All important parameters can be also configured in a very intuitive and simple menu navigation.

Online monitoring of the NOVAR operated power factor correction cabinet is possible with the supported ENVIS application or with other SCADA systems. This APFCR offers a wide range of communication options: USB, RS485 and Ethernet is available in various combinations.

Key Features:

  • measures power factor and other quantities in each line separately
  • automatic control of power factor independently in each phase
  • unlimited support for single-, two- and three-phase capacitors and chokes
  • NOVAR 2618 up to 18 output sections, relay or solid-state
    • optionally NOVAR 2609, NOVAR 2607 and NOVAR 2616, last two with digital input
  • combined mains compensation & decompensation capability (booth capacitors and reactors)
  • 144x144 mm plastic enclosure for panel mounting with large segment LCD display
  • Fast USB, optional RS-485 and Ethernet communication options
  • optional 512 Mb of internal memory for data logging
  • embedded four quadrant electricity meter with TOU, power meter (class 0.5) and data logger
  • continuous measurement, 128 s./period, 10 periods (200 ms) sampling interval

KMB systems is pleased to introduce its latest gen...

KMB systems is pleased to introduce its latest generation of professional advanced automatic power factor controller NOVAR 26xx.
Excellent parameters of this three phase advanced automatic power factor controller predestine it like a TOP model of the NOVAR family group.

NOVAR 26xx builds its success on the individual compensation of all three phases at the same time and innovative hardware platform with improved, precise and faster measurement of all required parameters.

NOVAR 26xx with up to 18 relay outputs fully automatic search for size and types of all combinations of single, two or three phase compensation capacitors and decompensation reactors.

NOVAR 26xx can be called a kind of black box - inside this compact device is found a reactive power regulator, an universal measuring device and a network quality analyser with an internal memory of 512MB. It enables recording all operational information from regulated systems. This allows the device to be used for long-term recording of measured data and their subsequent review and analysis.

The built-in four-quadrant electricity meter registers both active and reactive energy in up to 3 different user defined tariffs. A large, bright and high resolution display provides all the required information on one screen.

The device is available in various variants of 7, 9, 16 or 18 relay outputs - a particular number of programmable output and input options, option models can be ordered with an internal memory for recording archival information. Remote monitoring and control of actual values is possible via multiple optional communication interfaces (USB, Ethernet, RS485...)

Online monitoring of the NOVAR operated power factor correction cabinet is possible with the supported ENVIS application or with other SCADA systems.

NOVAR 26xx can be used for the most demanding applications, the setting remains user-friendly in simple installation and menu navigation and most applications does not need to be configured.

KMB systems will be presenting NOVAR 26xx at the Hannover Messe Fair in April. You are welcome to visit our stand.

You can be also interested to hear that in the first quarter of the year we plan to launch also a simple version of the top model NOVAR 26xx called NOVAR 24xx.

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