OFS - Model VDOPS - Vacuum Dehydration Oil Purification Systems
The harmful effects of particulate and moisture contamination in hydraulic and lubrication oils have been well documented. By maintaining absolute fluid cleanliness, end-users can dramatically increase the life of critical wear components on rotational equipment, minimizing downtime and maximizing profitability. Oil Filtration Systems® designs and builds the most effective, durable, and user-friendly vacuum dehydrators on the market today. Special engineered design features maximize the water extraction rates of our oil purifiers, and top-quality components and workmanship ensure years of maintenance-free operation and performance.
- Flow Rates Range From 3 GPM to 50 GPM or Higher
- Water Removal Achieve Overall Water Content As Low As 20 PPM In Multi-Pass By Removing Free, Emulsified, and Dissolved Water
- Particulate Removal Achieve Particle Counts As Low As ISO 14/12/9 With High Efficiency Pleated Microglass Filter Elements Rated Beta(c)>1000 per ISO 16889
- Entrained Air and Gas Removal Degassing via Vacuum Distillation
- Acid Removal Can Be Equipped With Fullers Earth or Activated Alumina Cartridges To Neutralize Acid and Lower TAN
- Varnish Removal Can Be Equipped With Ion Charged Bonding Cartridges To Remove Insoluble Varnish
Standard Features
- Permanent Dispersion Media Inside Vacuum Tower - maximizes water extraction rates, eliminates the need for costly replacement of coalescer filter elements, and enables the system to operate effectively on high viscosity gear oils.
- Variable Frequency Drive - enables operator to dial in the optimal flow rate, and enhances the system overall performance during cold start-ups, on higher viscosity oils, or when a restricted inlet condition exists.
- Claw-Style Vacuum Pump - pulls deeper vacuum, higher CFM, and requires much less maintenance than other conventional vacuum pumps.
- Single Utility - requires 480V, 3-Phase electric service only, not a chilled water supply.
- System View Windows - enables operator to observe system operation and performance.
- Plugged Filter Indicator Light - positive indication when the particulate removal filter element is plugged and needs to be changed
Optional Features
- Automatic Water Drain
- Inline Digital Particle Monitor
- Inline Digital Moisture Indicator
- NEMA 7 Explosion Proof Components
- Stainless Steel Wetted Parts
- 4-Point Lifting Lug Cage Structure
Designed for Use On
- Hydraulic Oil
- Turbine Oil
- Lubrication Oil
- Gear Oil (ISO VG 220 – ISO VG 680)
- Transformer Oil
- Diesel Fuel
- Phosphate Ester (Fyrquel EHC Fluid)
- PAO Fluid
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