OGS - Model ProHeat - ProHeat Thermosyphon Packaging
From Process Solutions
OGS specializes in the manufacturing and packaging of third-party OEM process heating equipment, focusing on high-quality, high-specification applications. These systems offer a sustainable alternative, aiming to reduce the carbon footprint of various installations compared to conventional heating methods. The ProHeat Thermosyphon packaging is developed in collaboration with the original equipment manufacturer, ProHeat. OGS is responsible for the assembly of the entire structure, incorporating components such as vessels and pipework alongside free-issued items from ProHeat. Each phase, from fabrication to testing, is executed to align with stringent industry standards. OGS's service scope is supported by multiple certifications including ISO 9001, ISO 29001, and ISO 45001, and is registered with Achilles for Oil and Gas Europe and UVDB.
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OGS specialises in the fabrication and packaging of 3rd party OEM process heating equipment for high quality high specification applications which reduce the carbon footprint of installations compared with traditional heating methods. The packages are designed and built in partnership with the OEM, in this case ProHeat. Following the fabrication and testing of the components OGS will assembly the structure, vessel, pipework including free issue items supplied by Proheat.
The OGS Scope typically includes:
- Fabrication, Inspection, Testing and Painting of a condenser vessel in accordance with Condenser Shell Drawing and Condenser Coil Drawing provided by ProHeat.
- Fabrication, Inspection, Testing, Painting & Installation of pipe work in accordance with supplied piping drawings.
- Fabrication, Inspection, Testing and Painting of Structural Steel in accordance with supplied drawings, where required.
- Installation of the chimney assembly onto evaporator vessel with suitable sized/grade fixings.
- Mechanical installation of new ProHeat supplied panels onto skid package with suitable sized/grade fixings.
- Coordination of fabrication activities, notified body inspections and manufacturing data dossier completion. Typical documentation for fabrication of OGS scope will be provided.
- Packing and storage as per client specification. Further discussions are required regarding preservation of the equipment.
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