Anaergia Inc.

Anaergia Inc.

- High Solids Anaerobic Digestion System



Optimize Your Anaerobic Digestion. Triple digestion capacity by retrofitting existing digesters. Triple Your Anaerobic Digestion Capacity Without New Digesters. Omnivore is our advanced high-solids approach to anaerobic digestion. Our proprietary mixing system together with our robust thickening technology increase the solids ratio in digesters so that far more material can be digested in the same volume of space. Low-solids digesters become high-solids digesters so that you can accept more waste for anaerobic digestion. And if you’re building new digesters, they can be one-third smaller than a traditional digester—lowering both your capital and operating expenses for anaerobic digestion.

Products Details

Omnivore high-solids digestion means your wastewater facility can co-digest source separated organics, the organic fraction of municipal solid waste, or food processing waste together with wastewater biosolids—increasing biogas production from the anaerobic digestion. With Omnivore, your facility can even co-digest fats, oils and grease. The resulting increase in biogas production allows many facilities to generate power onsite or put renewable natural gas into the regional pipeline system.

Our Omnivore system is easy to maintain and includes the ability to adjust the mixer position to break up floating layers and re-suspend grit–and access the mixer without taking your anaerobic digester out of service.

How You Benefit

  • 3x more digestion capacity in the same footprint
  • New or upgraded digesters can be one-third of the volume and footprint needed for traditional digesters
  • Reduced CAPEX and lifecycle costs
  • Ability to clean digesters by breaking up floating layers and re-suspending grit
  • Easy operation and maintenance
  • Compatibility with different anaerobic digestion tanks and roof configurations
  • Enables co-digestion and nutrient recovery from multiple feedstocks


  • Enhance digestion capacity in existing municipal wastewater treatment facilities
  • Reduce the footprint of new anaerobic digesters
  • Co-digest additional feedstocks such as fats, oils, and grease, food waste, source-separated organics, organic fraction of municipal solid waste, and high strength industrial waste
  • Digest industrial wastewater
  • Produce Class A biosolids and nutrients from wastewater
  • Retrofit compatibility with different anaerobic digestion tanks and roof configurations

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