EnergyNest AS

EnergyNest AS

Open-cycle Power Plants


Open-cycle gas turbines and reciprocating engines are fast-starting, flexible power generators, but they emit large quantities of high-grade heat which is currently untapped.

Product Details

By incorporating a thermal battery, open-cycle power plants can be turned into much more efficient combined-cycle power plants with full decoupling of the two generators. The emitted heat from the power plant is captured by way of a heat recovery unit. This unit heats thermal oil, or steam, which subsequently charges the thermal battery. When opportune, the thermal battery discharges its stored energy through a steam turbine or an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) to produce electricity. Alternatively, the thermal battery can produce steam for a steam consumer, or other industrial energy vectors.

Revenue opportunities

  • Significantly Higher Energy Output
  • Fuel Cost Savings
  • Emissions Cost Savings
  • Wholesale Power Price Arbitrage
  • Capacity Market Bid Increases
  • Frequency Regulation/Reserve Market Participation
  • Dispatchable Steam Grid Sales

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