West Biofuels, LLC

West Biofuels, LLC

ORC Turbine Generator



West Biofuels electrical power generation projects use Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbine generators. The ORC turbine is similar to the steam turbines used in conventional power plants but use a closed loop organic fluid instead of steam.  This results in reduced maintenance and operating costs and eliminates the water consumption issues associated with conventional steam turbines. Additionally, the ORC does not require any of the special permits or certifications associated with high pressure steam boilers required for steam turbines. The ORC turbine generator uses high temperature thermal oil from the heater to vaporize the organic working fluid in the Heat Exchanger. The organic fluid vapor rotates the turbine, which is directly coupled to the electric generator, resulting in clean, reliable electric power. The exhaust vapor flows through the cooling unit, where it is then condensed. The organic working fluid is then pumped into the Heat Exchanger, thus completing the closed-cycle operation.


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