PBS Velká Bíteš, a.s.

PBS Velká Bíteš, a.s.

- Steam Condenser Turbines



In addition to delivering its own turbines, main condenser and its pumps, PBS also provides a complete condensate management system. If requested by the customer, it also provides the exhaustion of steam from the turbine.

200 years of experience in designing high-quality ...

  • 200 years of experience in designing high-quality and efficient steam turbines
  • The parameters of the turbomachine are designed according to the customer's requirements

Steam condenser turbines TG
Medium-pressure and high-pressure multistage single-shaft axial turbines are placed in power units for power generation and mechanical drives.

Steam condenser turbines TG M
Medium-pressure multistage single-shaft axial turbines are placed in low output power units for power generation and mechanical drives.

Steam condenser turbines TG M II
Medium-pressure multistage turbines for low output power units and mechanical drives.
These are double-shaft turbines with a high-pressure and low-pressure TG M module, which are connected in series. They are therefore also suitable for double-pressure steam boilers, as they allow steam to be supplied to the turbine at two pressure levels.

Steam condenser turbines CSTG
Low-pressure multistage single-shaft axial turbines for large volumetric flow rates of inlet steam are placed in low-pressure low output power units, or on the outlets or exhausts of front-end large back pressure turbines.
They increase electricity production when the exhaust heat or steam from these turbines declines.

Steam condenser turbines CSTG II
Medium-pressure multistage turbines for low output power units.
These are double-shaft turbines with a high-pressure and low-pressure CSTG module, which are connected in series. They are therefore also suitable for double-pressure steam boilers, as they allow steam to be supplied to the turbine at two pressure levels.

Turbine Parameters

Technical parameters Steam condenser turbines TG

  • Inlet steam: pressure up to 11 MPa., max. temperature 545 °C
  • Type of steam exhaustion: regulated and unregulated
  • Governing: nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
  • Clutch power: from 3 MW do 30 MW
  • Use: drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  • delivered on a common frame with a gearbox

Technical parameters Steam condenser turbines TG M

  • Input steam: pressure up to 4.5 MPa, temperature up to 480 °C, flow rate up to approx. 20 t/hr.
  • Type of steam exhaustion: regulated and unregulated
  • Outlet steam: pressure from 7 kPa to approx. 40 kPa
  • Governing: nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
  • Clutch power: from 600 kW do 3 MW
  • Use: drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  • delivered on a common frame with a gearbox

Technical parameters Steam condenser turbines TG M II

  • Input steam: pressure up to 4.2 MPa, temperature up to 480 °C, flow rate up to approx. 20 t/hr.
  • Type of steam exhaustion: regulated and unregulated
  • Outlet steam: pressure from 7 kPa to approx. 40 kPa
  • Governing: nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
  • Clutch power: from 600 kW do 3 MW
  • Use: drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  • delivered on a common frame with a gearbox
  • Special versions are used for direct drive of high speed turbochargers (without a gearbox).

Technical parameters Steam condenser turbines CSTG I

  • Input steam: absolute pressure 0.1 – 1,5 MPa, temperature 100 - 350 °C, flow rate up to approx. 100 t/hr.
  • Type of steam exhaustion: regulated and unregulated
  • Outlet steam: absolute pressure from 5 kPa to approx. 40 kPa
  • Governing: nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
  • Clutch power: from 600 kW do 10 MW
  • Use: drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  • delivered on a common frame with a gearbox

Technical parameters Steam condenser turbines CSTG II

  • Inlet steam: pressure up to 4.5 MPa, temperature up to 480 °C, flow rate up to approx. 50 t/hr.
  • Type of steam exhaustion: regulated and unregulated
  • Outlet steam: pressure from 5 kPa to 40 kPa
  • Governing: nozzle or throttle governing with one control valve
  • Clutch power: from 600 kW do 3 MW
  • Use: drive for electric generator, compressor, pump, fan
  • delivered on a common frame with a gearbox
  • Special versions are used for direct drive of high-speed turbochargers (without a gearbox).

Why Us?

Years of experience

PBS currently has 200 years of experience in the construction of high-quality and efficient steam turbines. Itis a top manufacturer ofcondensing steam turbines.

Universal use in many industries

Steam turbines are suitable for a wide range of industries. Their use iseffective in many ways.

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