PhotoWall - Photocatalytic Waterborne Coating for Breathable Indoor Walls
From Coatings
PhotoWall is used on interior walls and ceilings in kitchens, bathrooms and any room that requires a high breathability. Photocatalytic breathable coating for roofs. White.
Product Details
PhotoWall activated walls use the light energy (1) to destroy the air pollutants. Thanks to it:
- Eliminates air pollution
- Eliminates polluted air agressions.
- Reduces maintenance costs.
- Improves appearance
- Contribute to the health of people
- Eliminates odours
(1) Natural light, fluorescent, low-energy light bulbs..
PhotoWall is used in private homes and in health sensitive buildings:
- Kitchens
- Bathrooms
- Schools and Kindergartens
- Hospitals
- Closed Buildings
- Public Buildings
Photocatalysis is a technology that works under the same principles than Photovoltaic Panels (Solar cells). It uses light energy, in the range between visible and UVA, to destroy the pollutants produced by car exhausts pipes, industries, kitchens and heating, that affect human health and dirt
- It is MAINTENANCE FREE, and its effect is PERMANENT.
- It is not only a SURFACE CLEANER, it is an AIR DEPOLLUTER
- SAVES MONEY, as surfaces remain clean during years
- DESTROYS the DIRT and reduces the growth of MOULDS AND BACTERIA
- Is a NATURAL effect, and reproduces the activity of the sun and plants as depollutant.
Tests carried on our coatings in ,show a 91 % average capacity of elimination of pollutants, when measured in a city having a pollution above legal limits.
PhotoWall is applied in two coats, by brush, roller or spray, on sound, clean, and dry walls, allowing the first coat to dry before to apply the last one. First coat can be diluted with 10 % of water. In case the surface is not 100 % sound, or in case adhesion problems are foreseen, it is recommended to apply a layer of PHOTO-DECO PRIMER before to apply the coating.
Technical Data
Waterborne Photocatalytic coating for indoors walls
- Density: 1.54 Kg/l
- Waterborne, Not flammable
- VOC content 0.2 g/l max
- Permeable to water vapour
- Touch dry at 25ºC: 30-40 min
- Allow 3-4 hrs between coats
- Yield: 10m2/l. coat
- Colours. See Colour chart
- Product colour can be modified using ONLY INORGANIC PIGMENTS
- Application Temp: between 5º C and 35º C
PhotoWall: .High Performance Indoor Photocatalytic Coating. It contains light boosters based on EPS Technology in the UVA-visible range to improve performance under artificial light
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