Poseide - Hydro Kinetic Power Assessment
Poseide® is an in situ autonomous measurement device able to assess actual extractible power. The device is easily deployable, all over the world. We are able to build high resolution numerical current speed models of installation sites. The models are fed with in-situ speed and power datas from the measurement campaigns. This double expertise allows us to provide reliable information on economical indicators, such as ROI. The Poseide® device, certified by DGA (Direction Générale de l'Armement - French defense Procurment Agency), allows to reduce uncertainties relative to extractible power, and profitability of your project.
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Only requirements to deploy the system are :
- a vessel or barge fitted with a small crane (5 T.m capacity) and free space (6 sqm²) on the deck
- a good anchoring system, depending of the current speed, able to reach the barge in static position with 350kg turbine's additionnal drag.
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