Power Factor Control Relays
From Reactive Power Control Relays
The Reactive Power control Relay for maximum operational reliability. Simple to install, easy to operate and automatic ‘plug and play’ start-up.
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Characteristics That Count
FRAKO’s intelligent reactive power control relays automatically adjust themselves to suit the power factor correction system and the network that they serve. This automatically eliminates the risk of faulty programming.
Incorrect connections or inappropriate locations for the instrument transformers are identified and indicated, therefore making time-consuming and expensive troubleshooting unnecessary. The patented characteristic curve controls the set target cos φ as a minimum value under normal load while simultaneously preventing overcorrection under low load conditions. This reliably prevents costs for reactive power arising and reduces the risk of network disruptions.
The control relay’s intelligent mode of operation ensures that the target parameters are controlled and maintained with the lowest possible number of switching cycles. This minimizes wear of the power factor correction system and reduces disturbances to the network.
Some control relay versions have a trip function to protect the power factor correction system from excessive levels of harmonics. Last not least, our customers appreciate the user-friendly operation of our reactive power control relays.
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