PowerCrate - Wind Standalone Power System for Remote Energy Needs
The PowerCrate is an all-in-one stand-alone power system designed and built by Powerhouse Wind. The combination of diverse energy generation and storage, rapid deployment and remote monitoring makes PowerCrate an ideal solution for your remote energy needs: off-grid, edge of grid or boosting energy resilience in an uncertain climate.
PowerCrate® is a stand-alone, turn-key, hybrid renewable energy module. Housed in a 20ft container frame, PowerCrate delivers renewable energy fast wherever it is needed.
Delivered fully tested, PowerCrate is deployed on site in under two hours. Designed and built in Dunedin, the PowerCrate is available in New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific. Read about PowerCrate or contact us for advice on how the PowerCrate can work for you. Upgrades are available for power generation, storage and delivery, including the daisy chaining of master and service PowerCrates for cost effective scaling.
- 2 kW rated Thinair™ turbine
- 4 kWp solar panels
- 14 kWh LiFePO4 battery
- 10 kVA 240AC inversion
The PowerCrate is easy to move using container handling systems (HIAB, forklifts, or even excavators) and can be deployed anywhere there is 5m x 6m of flat ground.
A true ‘plug and play’ solution, the PowerCrate needs minimal maintenance and can be fully set up and deployed in under 2 hours.
The modular design means that multiple PowerCrate units can be daisy-chained to increase generation while minimising cost.
Combining wind and solar improves generation through all seasons. The wind turbine addresses solar shortfalls at night, overcast days, or for properties shadowed by winter sun. Electricity backup from diesel generator or grid electricity is autonomously controlled.
Planning costs are minimal compared to permanent energy solutions, with low or even no site preparation required. The unit can be trialled at minimum expense and is easily removed at the end of projects or onto new developments still on-site.
The PowerCrate can be deployed for off-grid power or to boost energy security at edge of grid sites including those vulnerable to climate change effects. PowerCrate can be permanently placed or moved to meet changing need.
The PowerCrate is a cost effective solution in this size and capacity. Manufactured in Dunedin using high end components, the system is completely factory tested before delivery. It has low installation costs, remote monitoring and easy maintenance access for low operational costs.
The PowerCrate’s flexible design allows add-on components as we continue to innovate for green energy. 5kW turbines and green hydrogen generation and storage are options now or for the future.
Autonomous operation with remote monitoring and performance visibility gives hands-off peace of mind. It is perfect for base power for remote projects, whether permanent or temporary.
Energy grids have a security problem. In New Zealand alone all 27 Power Lines companies have supply and maintenance issues at the fringes of their grid.
Many existing power lines are over 40 years old, and few new ones have been built since the subsidy that made their construction easier ended in the 1980s. With the increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, costs of maintaining these lines is also increasing. Further, as New Zealand continues to grow, so too does its demand for energy.
Nowhere is the challenge ofenergy security and accessibility more evident than in remote power situations. With our unique geography, there are many locations in New Zealand that could benefit from fully remote energy solutions.
For the longest time remote energy generation has been diesel. Even with the more recent addition of solar panels, diesel input is still required as solar capacity factors can be quite low especially in winter.
The requirement of ongoing fuel and maintenance has made many remote sites expensive. But the cost of establishing grid connected electricity can be even higher. Especially when power is only needed for a set time frame.
We wanted to create a hybrid turnkey solution. By combining both wind and solar, energy storage and full remote monitoring in the PowerCrate any remote site can now shed or limit its requirement for ongoing fuel deliveries.
The PowerCrate offers the benefits of diversified generation and energy independence to:
- Commercial lines companies
- Telecommunication towers
- Remote emergency services
- Construction services
- Lifestyle homes
- Farms
- Rural marae and community hubs
Harvesting wind and solar resources in the same footprint increases your energy security. In our Dunedin test site comparing wind and solar generation, Thinair delivered 36% of the total power generated annually but 50% during the winter months from May to September.
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