Visa S.p.A.

Visa S.p.A.

- Model S - 800 to 3000 kVA - Generating Sets


The POWERFULL S generating set range offers a large choice of engines with powers ranging from 730 to 1700kVA at 50 or 60Hz. They are best quality diesel generator for your project: are built using modular elements that are assembled together using special structural rivets; this technique allows welding to be eliminated and to fully coat every part before assembly, thereby increasing duration. Each part is painted with thermosetting powders that are specifically selected for their high resistance to atmospheric agents. The sound attenuation insulation consists of polyester fibre materials in fire-reaction Euroclass Bs2D0. The material used on the doors has a film that makes it impermeable and easy to clean. As with all Visa products, all the unit's parts are subject to a strict operating test involving over 30 checks prior to delivery.

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