Powerstar - Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) provides battery backup power in the event that your grid power supply fails. UPS vary significantly in size and function A UPS will provide a seamless transition from the mains electricity supply to the back-up by switching over faster than electrical equipment will recognise a change. This prevents sensitive equipment and machinery from being damaged or disrupted.
Products Details
Smaller UPS systems work for a single device such as a server. Larger commercial uninterruptible power supply backups, often built-in shipping containers, are critical across a range of sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, defence, and data centres.
That means that on-site equipment experiences no variation in its power supply in the event of any kind of power disruption, be it a full power cut or a temporary loss or dip in power. A UPS is different to a back-up power supply, which may take several seconds or minutes to power up and support equipment.
UPS systems come in many shapes and sizes. We design and manufacture a very specific kind of UPS which has three significant benefits over others:
1. Site-wideThe majority of UPS system are small and protect a specific piece of equipment. For example, a company’s computer server will typically have a UPS connected to it, so that in the event of a power failure it does not switch off.
Ranging from around 300kW to 10MW, Powerstar UPS solutions are large enough to support an entire commercial or industrial site. This means that no equipment will shut down, reset or fail in the event of a disruption. This is essential where there are multiple critical electrical systems, or where they are interacting with each other. For example, a manufacturing site will need all of its production lines, machine tools, robots and PLCs to remain live, as well as its compressor and production management software.
2. Low lossTypically, large UPS systems consume significant amounts of energy to remain powered up and on standby for a possible power disruption. For example, a 1MW UPS system could consume around £200,000 worth of electricity every year. A Powerstar system consumes about 95% less electricity, saving carbon emissions and cost.
3. PLUSUniquely for a UPS that is connected Behind-the-Meter, a Powerstar system can be used for other functions while it is in standby, awaiting a power disruption. To date it is the only system that the NHS has approved for use in this way. The other functions bring huge additional value to organisations trying to achieve net-zero, reduce electricity bills and gain greater control of their energy usage.
Any critical electrical equipment that would create a problem if it shut down will benefit from a UPS. For example, if computer systems are providing critical business functions, then it is vital that they do not simply shut down and lose data or stop processes.
Similarly, any embedded controller will switch off or reset when there is a power disruption. Embedded controllers are found everywhere – in conveyors, lifts, testing and monitoring equipment, and payment systems.
For this reason, all healthcare equipment, data centres, manufacturing production lines, and automated distribution centres must have UPS in order to remain operational. A containerised UPS system can help protect larger sites from disruption. If you only need to protect a singular server or piece of equipment, Powerstar may not be the right fit for your needs.
Traditional UPS generally uses lead-acid battery technology. While this equipment is superb in terms of its ability to immediately kick in before any changes in supply or voltage disrupt sensitive equipment, it is not without its drawbacks. UPS is effectively a sunk cost, operating only during a power disruption event, which thankfully in the UK is relatively rare. When not operating, traditional UPS continues to contribute to energy bills and potentially carbon emissions as it needs to partially discharge and recharge in order to monitor incoming power from the grid.
Powerstar UPS solutions are a combination of a highly sophisticated Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and a control system. It features ultra-fast switching which is able to connect the battery to your microgrid or site supply in less than 10ms and thus protect all equipment from power disruptions. If you are only looking to add UPS functionality to a server or a single piece of equipment, we may not offer the right solution for you. Powerstar are a technical solutions provider that specialise in solving complex power management problems for our customers.
The power management software can forecast and manage multiple power loads and on-site generation to achieve the cheapest, greenest and most stable electrical supply for your site.
Critical care facilities in hospitals literally have a life and death need for an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system. Furthermore, providers of the NHS are faced with some of the strictest carbon reduction requirements of any sector, while stretched budgets mean securing energy cost savings is also a priority.
Instead of supplying a traditional UPS system with limited other uses, we utilise our Battery Energy Storage systems with full UPS capabilities but also offer budget-squeezed NHS trusts with more opportunities to save on their energy costs. These include accessing grid service contracts, peak shaving, and load shifting.
We are the only Battery Energy Storage company to achieve HTM (Health Technical Memoranda) compliance for NHS installations & the only company to install a Battery Energy Storage System and UPS system for the NHS to date.
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