Premium Diesel Plus - Diesel Additive Points Cetane Booster
Trucker Owner Operators recommend using Premium Diesel Plus with every fill-up to keep fuel savings and diesel power performance. LubeCorp Premium Diesel Plus is a diesel additive that has been reformulated for the new Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) and to improve Biodiesel performance. Premium Diesel Plus provides improved power and fuel savings to all diesel engines: cars, trucks, farm tractors, heavy-haul highway tractors, and heavy duty industrial equipment.
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Products Details
- Cetane Boost 9 to 13 points
- Improves fuel economy 12 to 15%
- Keeps injectors and fuel systems clean
- Operates from -60°C to 60°C
- Stabilizes and preserves all diesel fuels
- MCT Eliminates water and Stabilizes fuel
Industrial Strength Premium Diesel Plus Diesel Conditioner: Multi-Functional and extremely effective diesel additive at 500:1
- Contains high performance cetane boosters and combustion enhancers to provide exceptional fuel savings from 12% to 15% as reported by highway truckers on all types of diesel engines.
- Cetane boosters and combustion enhancers which:
- Comparable diesel fuel cetane rating increase: 9 to 13 points which optimizes engine power response.
– Improve fuel ignition which provides easy starts and improved engine response.
– Decrease engine knock, shock load, stress, and misfires. - Catalyze and optimize fuel burn during combustion.
– Optimizes diesel fuel spray patterns.
– Gets rid of smoke, EGR fouling and harmful emissions.
- Comparable diesel fuel cetane rating increase: 9 to 13 points which optimizes engine power response.
- Cleans Injectors, valves and ports, eliminating hesitation and rough idle due to carbon build-up.
-Activates carbons for cleaning the combustion chambers and exhaust manifolds (clean stacks). - Absolutely safe to use for all injectors, pumps, and diesel fuel systems.
- Lubricates and protects the entire fuel system preventing pump and injector failure.
- Anti-gel provides protection to -60°C, preventing gelling-up and filter plugging in cold weather.
- MCT (Moisture Control Technology) safely removes water in the fuel tanks by breaking down the water molecule and then burning it as combustible hydrogen.
(Water in the diesel provides a perfect incubator for bacterial growth: MCT eliminates this problem!) - Biodiesel protection is provided down to B20 (80% diesel / 20% biodiesel), @ 2ml / liter
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