Bertsch Energy GmbH & Co KG

Bertsch Energy GmbH & Co KG

Process Heat Recovery Systems



BERTSCHenergy provides customers from all over the world with high-quality process heat recovery system. Our systems use the energy in the production processes of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methanol, ammonia, urea and sulphuric acid to generate hot steam and to heat process gas and combustion air. We have decades of experience in delivering thermo-technical and structural calculations, construction details and the complete prefabrication of heat recovery systems units modular.


  • Frame sizes- Combustion gas flow heat recovery range from 20,000 to 500,000 Nm³ / h
  • Operating pressures - from 10 to 150 bar depending on the application
  • Operating temperatures - Superheated steam, gas mixtures, air, etc. up to 650 ° C
  • Operating temperatures- exhaust side up to 1,300 ° C

Typical Designs

BERTSCHenergy offers appropriate solutions worldwide thanks to modular designs and clever logistics.

  • Horizontal or vertical arrangement
  • Superheated steam temperature control with quench coolers or drum coolers
  • Plate for tube type air preheaters
  • Refractory lining (concrete, ceramic fibre)
  • Natural circulation

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