Hilliard Emission Controls, Inc. / PURGIT

Hilliard Emission Controls, Inc. / PURGIT

- Portable Flares


PURGIT operates a turn-key mobile flare service for sites all over the United States.  Both enclosed combustors and open flares are kept in stock and ready to deploy for applications ranging from above-ground storage tank degassing to truck and railcar loading/cleaning events.  Our project coordinators have over five decades of experience and can offer consulting support for any storage tank or vessel decommissioning/recommissioning.  Call with your project details for a detailed proposal.

Product Details

  • Gas assisted and air assisted flares available
  • Fittings and hoses for all applications
  • Flare utilities tailored to site
  • Flare height – 32’
  • Engineered skid design can be operated from a trailer deck or stabilized pad

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