Pyroflex - Model SRT – 850KW up to 13000KW - Fully Automated Wood Biomass Boilers with Stepped Grate
Uses: Combustion of Wood Chips, Residual Lumber, bark, wood from the landscape and draw bark.
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Products Details
- 3-Pass boiler (6.9 bars – higher pressure classes on request)
- Safety heat exchanger (integrated in the boiler)
- Hydraulically powered step grate.
- Supply of secondary air.
- Feeding the exhaust re-circulation
- Hydraulic rack/direct module with water cooled Slide neck or tray screw
- Ash removal (via screws or directly into a container of ashed)
- Fire door combustion chamber
- 9 is missing from the sheet.
- Hydraulic grate rod.
- Cleanout and access openings to the role below the flat thrust grate.
- Pneumatic boiler cleaning (optional).
- Water Cooled Grate.
- Hydraulic screw feed system.
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