

- Model SRT – 850KW up to 13000KW - Fully Automated Wood Biomass Boilers with Stepped Grate


Uses: Combustion of Wood Chips, Residual Lumber, bark, wood from the landscape and draw bark.

Products Details

  1. 3-Pass boiler (6.9 bars – higher pressure classes on request)
  2. Safety heat exchanger (integrated in the boiler)
  3. Hydraulically powered step grate.
  4. Supply of secondary air.
  5. Feeding the exhaust re-circulation
  6. Hydraulic rack/direct module with water cooled Slide neck or tray screw
  7. Ash removal (via screws or directly into a container of ashed)
  8. Fire door combustion chamber
  9. 9 is missing from the sheet.
  10. Hydraulic grate rod.
  11. Cleanout and access openings to the role below the flat thrust grate.
  12. Pneumatic boiler cleaning (optional).
  13. Water Cooled Grate.
  14. Hydraulic screw feed system.

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