Rec Solar
From Solar Products - Solar Panels
REC Solar supplies high performance solar energy solutions to the residential, commercial and utilities segments, and targets project development in selected segments. A Norwegian company and top performing manufacturer for the past two years in the internationally recognised Photon tests. Their 6 sites worldwide are all hydro powered making their carbon footprint extremely small. REC are one of the world leaders in production of silicon and its derivatives, supplying a large proportion of solar PV manufacturers around the world. Excellent build quality enabling short side clamping if required. All modules have ammonia and salt corrosion certification, therefore ideal for agricultural or coastal installations.
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REC manufactures and supplies to many of the leadi...
REC manufactures and supplies to many of the leading manufacturers worldwide a wide variety of silicon form factors including granular, as-grown Siemens rods, rod segments, chunks, chips and fines. REC have 25 years of polysilicon manufacturing expertise.
REC Wafer uses proprietary technologies in manufacturing PV wafers with industry-leading conversion efficiency levels. Focus on product quality, both in the electrical and mechanical properties of the wafers, is of highest importance to REC Wafer.
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