REDT - Wind Energy Storage
From Energy Storage
Managing Wind Variability using Energy Storage: Power from wind farms can go from overloading the grid to producing no energy at all within seconds- such rapid fluctuations can be difficult for other battery types to handle. The REDT battery can switch between charge and discharge cycles within milliseconds, mitigating power fluctuations related to wind speed and direction.
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Why use Energy Storage for Wind Turbines?
Solve Constrained Grid Connections
Store excess energy produced by your wind turbine, which a constrained grid connection cannot handle, and release later for your own consumption or when energy production is low.
Predictable Power
The REDT Battery can be used to time shift wind energy. Store energy during high input times for release at peak demand or when supply is low. Create a secure flow of energy to the grid to utilise the best available tariffs.
Longer Lasting Energy Storage
Due to its durable membrane stack and vanadium electrolyte, the REDT battery can handle thousands of shallow or deep cycles without degradation, making it ideal for use alongside wind turbines.
Environmentally Friendly
Vanadium energy storage systems are 100% emissions free and contain no heavy metals. The electrolyte is recyclable; it can easily be reconditioned and re-sold for use in another energy storage system, eliminating disposal issues.
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