Reivax North America, Inc.

Reivax North America, Inc.

- Model RTX - Excitation System



The RTX ENERGY is a module of acquisition, registration and control developed to perform the necessary functions for a voltage regulator in plants of medium and small sizes.

Main features of RTX ENERGY:

Main features of RTX ENERGY:

  1. It has automatic control of voltage, power factor, reactive power and manual control of field current, keeping them steady and stable according to reference values;
  2. Treaking features, witch promotes smooth switching between the automatic voltage control and the manual control of field current;
  3. Promotes the initial excitation of the generator in a controlled manner, causing the terminal voltage of the generator to be brought to a predetermined value;
  4. Dynamically limits the field current of the generator with pre-settled values in a fast and stable way in order to protect the field against over-excitation;
  5. Dynamically limits the excitation of the generator in order to protect it against under-excitation avoiding the loss of stability of the generator;
  6. It dynamically limits the excitation of the machine so that the voltage / frequency(Volts / Hertz) is not exceeded, protecting the machine and other devices associated with magnetic circuits, since the magnetic losses in these elements increases with the reduction of frequency and / or the increase of voltage.
  7. It partially compensates the voltage loss in the elevator transformer, if the parallel of the generator is made in the high velocity bus, or it allows the reactive division between machines, if the parallel is made in low velocity.
  8. Power System Stabilizer based on accelerating power (PSS2B)
  9. Supervises the voltage regulation process, signaling and acting in case of failures and alarms;
  10. User-friendly HMIs, with different options of  graphic or simplified devices;
  11. It communicates with the supervisory level of the plant by industrial protocol and analog and digital signals to indicate, respectively, magnitudes and states.

Physical Interface:
To perform some of these tasks, you may need a complete interface of inputs and outputs. In its most complete configuration there are available:

  • 3 analog inputs dedicated to the acquisition of terminal voltages;
  • 3 analog inputs dedicated to the acquisition of terminal currents;
  • 8 analog inputs for measurement of level, position, among others.;
  • 8 analog outputs for actuators and indicators on panels;
  • 3 fast inputs for measurement of frequency;
  • 48 digital inputs for key and sensors states;
  • 24 digital outputs for actuation of switching devices. (Check when purchasing the amount of programmable I / Os)

The following communication channels are available:

  • Serial 232,  to use graphic HMI;
  • Serial 485; to access the supervisory level;
  • CAN to local HMI.
  • A complete interface of enabling and failures guarantees the reliability and control of RTX ENERGY in adverse situations.  All interfaces are insulated for a higher security and robustness.

The RTX ENERGY was designed to be used in small and medium-size units of electricity generation.  It has the basic purpose of providing in a controlled manner the excitation current for the exciter field, in order to allow the synchronous generator to be excited and generate voltage in its terminals, keeping it in a constant and stable operation even with large load variations.

Signal Processing
RTX ENERGY  module uses a digital signal processor of 32-bit, running at 150MHz.

This equipment has value of MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) calculated with reference to MIL-217F norm.  The mean time between failures of the complete module, taking into account the use of all these circuits is about 70,000 hours, which is equivalent to about eight years.

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