Rimac Technology

Rimac Technology

- Battery Systems


Bespoke battery solutions for the most demanding projects. Our battery technologies are highly integrated, all-in-one solutions designed in-house for a variety of applications and needs.


Rimac battery systems provide the highest power and energy density, engineered to be manufactured at high volume. Our experience is built up from over 10 years of developing high-performance batteries for over 30 different projects, commissioned by more than 10 global OEMs.

We offer full battery technology solutions based on our customer’s needs and wishes – from the idea to mass production. We take advantage of our in-house capabilities, with over 500 engineers and in-house testing capabilities to deliver the best solutions to our customers.

Rimac Hypercars are a perfect testbed for all of our new developments where we can “go wild” and test all new ideas, before rolling them out in higher volume projects for other OEMs.

Our Competencies

Cell R&D and Integration

Rimac is working with most major cell manufacturers. Being independent from the cell manufacturers, we will always choose the cell that is best for the given application, often working with the cell manufacturer to improve the cell for a specific application.

Through in-house modelling, we are also able to offer leading levels of cell integration efficiency for all our battery packs.

Multi-Use Module Design

We develop our battery modules to have multi-use designs, enabling maximum utilization of the component. Given that we do all engineering and development in-house, we use our competencies in thermal management development, simulations, and laser welding to provide durable module solutions to be integrated into every battery pack.

Industry-Leading Thermal Management

Thermal management is one of the greatest challenges in electric vehicle development. With focus on direct di-electric and cold-plate cooling systems, we offer industry-leading thermal management solutions so that every battery – from module to pack level – achieves ultimate sustained performance.

Complementary Components

Although the battery modules and pack are the main attraction, they do not act alone. This is why we have teams dedicated to the development of components which act alongside the battery itself, including battery management systems, power distribution units, and DC/DC converters.

Vehicle Integration

Rimac Technology is not only focused on optimizing our battery packs. We also dedicate our efforts to working with each of our clients to optimize our battery packs in a way which optimizes our customers’ vehicle packaging and performance.

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