RJM - Ultra-Low Emission Burners
From Ultra-low NOx Industrial Gas Burners
RJM has responded to growing demand for ultra-low emission burners by developing a new type of gas burner that can be sized to suit many different industrial applications, from factories with an on-site demand for heat and power, to district heating plants producing hot water.
Key features
- Innovative technology
- 20 – 100MWth
- High quality manufacture
- Robust and durable design
- No refractory or tile
- Maintenance free design
- NOx emissions <15ppm at 3% O2
- CO emissions <30ppm at 3% O2
- Low excess air, high efficiency
- 15 – 25% FGR required
- Short compact stable flame
- Independent pilot flame monitoring
- Retrofit or new boilers
- Design flexibility to suit all boilers
- Simple, modular design
Plant applications
- Numerous installations in Europe, North America and China
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