Rockshell - Industrial Heat Pump
From Heat Pump Solutions
Rockshell Corps Heat pump are designed to Heat up Alkaline, acidic chemicals etc in the most energy efficient manner with special in house developed Heat exchangers for long life and consistent performance.
Key Features
- COP -7.5 (Heating 4 and Cooling 3.5)
- High Temperature Heat Pumps upto 90Deg C
- Return on investment of less than 12 Months
- Specially developed Heat exchangers for efficient heat transfer and Long life.
- Compressors : Emerson/Danfoss/Bitzer/Hanbell etc
- Cooling part of Heat pump is utilized to cool down specified area through our ducting system instead of wasting cold air in atmosphere
- R 134A Low pressure gas for long life more than 10 Years
- Direct heating –Eliminating indirect heating through intermediate Heat exchangers (PHE)
- Maintenance friendly construction, so that all parts are easily accessible for routine maintenance and continuous operation
- Microprocessor based PLC controllers with interactive HMI Control for monitoring all parameters
- Log report for records
- BMS Connection for remote monitoring
Typical applications in Automotive industry
Engine part washing –Industrial washing machine : 56KW Electrical Heater will be replaced by 12KW Heat pump. Heat pump will consume only 12KW but will deliver Heating of 56KW and 42KW Cooling. Free cooling can be channelized to specified area, so that existing Air conditioners/ Air washer can be redundant thus saving on the Air conditioning OPEX too
Surface Treatment
Paint Shop – Electrodeposition (ED Process) –Simultaneous Heating and Cooling of Chemicals through single Heat pump
7 Tanks process- Electrical Heaters shall be replaced by Heat pump in Degreasing , Hot Water rinse, Passivation , Phosphating process saving substantial operating cost.
Electroplating –Zinc /Nickel/Chrome plating
Pharma /Chemical industry
Dehumidification : Simultaenous production of Hot water(upto 90Deg c) required for AHU Re-Heating coils and Chilled Water(7Degc to -10 Deg c )through Single Heat pump, Thus offsetting Boilers ,Electrical Heater and Chillers saving substantial operating cost with an Payback/Return on investment less than 6 Months.
Reacting Jackets – This can heat up process tank chemicals directly through heat pump replacing intermediate Indirect Heat exchangers and eliminating Boilers.
Waste heat recovery Heat pump – This Heat pump extracts heat from Condensers of chillers which we are today rejecting and wasting the heat through cooling towers to environment in Water cooled chillers. As a result, the system delivers Hot Water and reduces your cooling demand simultaneously . The condenser of chiller also maintain health approach since condenser becomes a closed loop thereby reducing maintenance.
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