Svenskt Gastekniskt Center AB (SGC)

Svenskt Gastekniskt Center AB (SGC)

- Biogas Production Plants


1.4 TWh of biogas is produced annually in Sweden at approximately 230facilities. The 135 wastewater treatment plants that produce biogascontribute with around half of the production. In order to reduce the sludgevolume, biogas has been produced at wastewater treatment plants fordecades. New biogas plants are mainly co-digestion plants and farm plants.The landfilling of organic waste has been banned since 2005, thus thebiogas produced in landfills is decreasing.

Product Details

Biogas can also be produced from crops. This potential is difficult to estimateand depends entirely on which assumptions are made regarding land use, cropand yield. If 10 % of the agricultural land in Sweden is used, approximately 7TWh of biogas could be produced annually.

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