SCHMIDTSCHE SCHACK - Waste Heat Boiler Fire Tube-Type
From Waste Heat Boilers
The temperature inside a Claus furnace is often maintained above 1,050 °C (1,922 °F). The SCHMIDT’SCHE Waste Heat Boiler downstream the combustion furnace cools the hot gases and at the same time recovers valuable energy.
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Your Benefits
- Thermal & mechanical design ensures reliable natural water circulation
- Low pressure operation (up to 400 psig)
- Self-cleaning design (similar to FGTT Air Preheater)
- Crevice free weld of tube to tubesheet connection
- Highly resistant against corrosion issues by material selection
- Performance records that far exceed the industry average
In addition, the SCHMIDT'SCHE® Waste Heat Boiler Fire Tube-Type is also applicable for sulfuric acid processes.
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