Schwarting Biosystem - Biogas Plants
In biogas plants, microorganisms convert liquid manure and agricultural biomass into biogas which is used for the generation of valuable regenerative power and heat. This energy is completely CO2-neutral since the same amount of CO2 is generated during burning as was absorbed during plant growth.
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In several countries, renewable energy is promoted...
In several countries, renewable energy is promoted by means of grants. As a consequence, the use of renewable primary products in biogas plants becomes economically worthwhile.
In addition to generating energy, the biogas plant has of course 'classical' advantages: The mineralisation of bound nitrogen and the decomposition of organic acids improve plant availability and plant tolerance, partial hygienisation takes place and odour emissions are considerably reduced.
We are your partner for:
We are your partner for:
- Planning
Feasibility studies, preliminary planning, detailed planning - Approval procedures
Building permission - Financing
Support with financing issues, agent for financing - Construction
Turnkey construction at a fixed price - Optimizing of operations
Support, laboratory services
Schwarting Biosystem has built more than 20 biogas plants in Germany, Switzerland and France, and will guarantee the successful construction and economical operation of your biogas plant due to many years of experience.
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