Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd.

Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd.

- Model SR 2000 - Tidal Turbine


The SR2000 2MW is the largest and most powerful tidal turbine in the world. It has been designed to minimise the whole lifecycle cost of electricity production from tidal energy. Designed to DNV (Det Norske Veritas) standards with a 20 year design life, it incorporates components with proven reliability from the wind, gas and oil industries. The turbine can be installed in any water depths of 25m + due to the flexible mooring system. The turbine can be deployed with a range of anchoring systems to suit most seabed types.

Product Details

The SR2000 rotors and 2 x 1MW power take off systems have been optimised for fast tidal current regions, such as those of Scotland, Northern France and Canada. The design can be readily optimised to suit local tidal conditions at sites with lower tidal speeds.

With a transport draught of 6m and ‘turret’ style single point mooring system, all installation, operation and maintenance can be carried out with low cost, multi-cat type work vessels.



  • Rated Power 2000kW
  • Rated Current Speed 3 m/s
  • Cut-in Current Speed  1 m/s
  • Cut-out Current Speed    4.5 m/s
  • Maximum Rotor  16 rpm Speed


  • Length 64m
  • Max. Diameter 3.8m
  • Transport draught 6m
  • Operational25 m + draught

Rotor and blades

  • Rotor diameter 16m
  • Swept area 2 x 201 m2


  • Power regulation Variable speed with fixed pitch blades
  • Output Voltage  6.6kV/llkV
  • Output Frequency 50 Hz

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