Eugen Seitz GmbH

- Model NPP - Nuclear Power Plants


Our company is a lead provider of class 1E Solenoid Operated Valves (SOVs) for nuclear power plants all over the world. Our products meet the highest quality and safety standards and have 40 years of successful operation in NPPs with no malfunctions.

Product Overview

Our valves are:

  • Delivering the Nuclear Promise
  • Manufactured under 10 CFR 50 Appendix B/NQA-1 (Recognized by NUPIC)
  • Easy to maintain
  • Based on proven and qualified technology
  • Readily available

Our company has 100% control over the quality and performance of its products thanks to in-house:

  • Design
  • Procurement and manufacturing in our Swiss lean awarded shop
  • Quality assurance (ISO9001 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix B/NQA-1)
  • Testing

Lifetime support
We offer lifetime support of our products to our customers from design, through manufacturing, installation and maintenance and/or refurbishment services as well as timely spare parts delivery, training of NPP maintenance personnel and availability of mobile test equipment. If desired, we develop customer-specific programs - frame agreements - that notify our customers in a timely manner which maintenance activities are recommended for our valves based on power plant operating history and upcoming refueling outages.

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