Semicorex Advanced Material Technology Co.,Ltd.

Semicorex Advanced Material Technology Co.,Ltd.

- Model SMX0004 - Semiconductor Wafer Boat

Semicorex semiconductor wafer boat for vertical furnaces is made of high-purity silicon carbide, which can withstand the high temperatures and chemical environments inside the furnace. It has a boat-shaped structure with multiple slots or pockets to hold individual wafers securely. The boat is loaded with wafers in a precise arrangement, often in a vertical orientation, to maximize the use of space within the furnace. The wafers are carefully placed in the slots, ensuring proper alignment and minimizing the risk of damage during handling and processing. Semicorex semiconductor wafer boat for vertical furnaces plays a vital role in the fabrication of semiconductor devices. It provides a secure and controlled environment for wafers during high-temperature processing, enabling the production of high-quality and uniform semiconductor components.