Siapro d.o.o.

Siapro d.o.o.

- Pelton Turbines


Turbines can be installed horizontal or vertical. Stream of water that flows from the nozzle come with high speed tangential to the turbine blades, which are welded two parts in the form of single or double dipper. The amount of water that flows into the turbine blades can be controlled. Doing so we are changing the flow of water. Pelton turbines may attain up to 250mW of power, the efficiency of these turbines is 85% to 92%.


    1. 3D Modeling, 3D 5 Axis machining
    2. Materials: Inox, Other
    3. Casted - Full Runner
    4. Casted - Schafels - Welded
    5. Balanced on Run of Speed

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