Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG

Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG

- Model SGT5-8000H - Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine (50 Hz)



Well-proven H-class technology backed by largest commercially operating fleet experience in the market. Simple cycle power generation (ISO), 450 MW(e), Combined cycle efficiency: 62%, Powerful gas turbine for highly efficient combined cycle applications.


Excellent performance and outstanding efficiency
The H-class turbine was introduced nearly a decade ago and has now achieved a significant milestone with the 100th engine sold globally. With 88 turbines in operation on four continents and over 2.5 million fired hours, the SGT-8000H is the market leader in its class and delivers top performance that’s been setting benchmarks throughout the industry.

Since its launch, the output rating of the SGT5-8000H gas turbine has grown from 375 megawatt (MW) to 450 MW, with improvements in efficiency to over 62 percent in combined cycle operation.

Highlights of the SGT5-8000H Gas Turbine

Powerful and highly flexible
In combined cycle operation, the SGT5-8000H gas turbine provides a power output of 665 MW and an efficiency of 62%. Its internal cooling air passages from compressor to turbine section ensure fast thermal response of the rotor in case of high load transients and fast cold starts. A gas turbine designed for short start-up times and high operational flexibility.

Easy plant integration
The SGT5-8000H can be easily integrated in single-shaft (SCC5-8000H 1S) or multi-shaft (SCC5-8000H 1x1 and 2x1) combined cycle plants.

Our proven and validated package and plant concepts use standardization, preassembly and prepackaging to minimize field assembly and the need for piping fabrication during construction. This results in easy turbine installation and a shorter project duration

Evolutionary 3D blading
The engine's blade design is based on proven materials and tried and tested know-how, while incorporating the latest aerodynamic technologies. Your benefit: high efficiency and reliability, as well as low outage risk.

Excellent availability and easy maintenance
Moderate firing temperatures allow the use of proven materials to boost reliability and keep maintenance low.

Additionally, the SGT5-8000H has been optimized for short outages: Thanks to the Hirth-serrated rotor disk assembly and central tie rod, rotor maintenance and destacking can be done on site. The turbine blades 1 and 4, and vane 1 can be removed without lifting the cover for quick and easy maintenance.

World-class fast cold start and hot restart capability
The gas turbine is capable of world-class fast cold starts and hot restarts due to the light and stiff rotor with internal cooling air passages, the advanced can annular combustion system and Hydraulic Clearance Optimization (HCO) active clearance control. You can achieve combined cycle base load within 30 min for hot starts.

Improved part load operation
Four stages of fast-acting variable-pitch guide vanes (VGV) will grant you optimized performance over a wide range of operating conditions, improved part load efficiency, low part load emissions, and high load transients.

Proven in commercial operation
More than 88H-class gas turbines are in commercial operation, with more than 2.5 million fired hours. Overall about 100 H-class turbines are under contract.

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