SineTamer - Harmonic Filter
From Power Conditioning
Harmonic Filters are used to minimize or filter harmonics for the lines where the connected loads like Computers, UPS, Frequency Converters etc. are generating harmonics due to frequency chopping or high switching.
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Products Details
Active Harmonic Filters
- Frequencies: 50/60Hz
- Current Ratings : 30/50/60/100/120/200/250/300 A
- Voltage Ratings: 380.......480V690V
- Intended Application : Harmonic Reduction / Unbalanced Load / PFI
Passive Harmonic Filters
- Frequencies: 50/60Hz
- Current Ratings : 50 to 4000Kvar
- Voltage Ratings: 400/440/480/525/690/800/1200V
- Mode of Switching : Contactor/Static
- Intended Application : Harmonic Reduction
Hybrid Harmonic Filters
- Combination of passive and active filters reduces THD upto 5% to 8%. Dynamic Correction of THD is Possible. Improves Distortion PF Load Balancing. Displacement PF improvement Possible. Modular Design- Can be expanded along with the load.
- Frequencies: 50/60Hz
- Current Ratings : 200A + 1000Kvar
- Voltage Ratings: 400/440/480..690
- Mode of Switching : Static
- Intended Application : PF improvementHarmonic Reduction.
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