SLOP Fired Boiler
From CBL Power Boilers
Design Advantages of Slop Fired Boilers
We have pioneered the technology almost a decade ago and has improvised it constantly through research, extensive field trials, and feedback. CBL’s slop boiler enjoys the highest availability among their class and is designed for maximum heat recovery.
- Single Drum, Natural circulation, Bottom supported design
- Flexible support fuel options – Bagasse, Rice Husk, Coal, etc
- Choice of travelling grate / Fluidised bed combustion as per fuel availability
- Patented technology for high pressure/temperature requirements
Slop Fired Boiler Technology
CBL’s Slop fired boiler technology concentrates spent wash and then fires it in a specially designed boiler
CBL’s Slop fired boiler technology concentrates spent wash and then fires it in a specially designed boiler, enabling the distilleries to dispose of slop in an environment-friendly manner making them ZELE (ZERO EFFLUENT LIQUID DISCHARGE).
CBL offers the unique slop incineration solution in the following manner.
- Specific boiler only basis
- Boiler- Turbine- Generator package
- Complete turnkey solution on an EPC basis
- High efficiency, maximum uptime and long life
- CBL pioneered slop fired technology in India and commissioned the first such Boiler in 2006
- CBL has since commissioned over 25 slop-fired boilers working successfully
- Proven and tested technology to deliver high efficiency and long life
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