Smart Energy Platform
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Home Decarbonisation Technology
As soon as a home connects to our Platform, we start to build an energy model of it to understand its thermal properties and how it consumes energy. With this model, the Platform uses machine-learning and artificial intelligence to determine how best to optimise the low-carbon technologies connected to it.
How It Works
Every home is different – built from different materials, exposed to different weather conditions, and lived in differently by its owners. In the same way, the model we build of each home is different. Understanding how a home loses heat alongside local weather and temperature forecasts allows us to maximise the efficiency of a heat pump and reduce the householder’s energy bills.
Through connecting other low-carbon technologies to our Platform, such as battery storage, solar PV and EV chargepoints, we are able to optimise across all devices in the home, further reducing energy bills and carbon emissions.
Our Smart Energy Platform improves the performance of low-carbon technologies, increasing efficiency while optimising against time of use tariffs and on-site renewable generation. This means lower running costs for end-users and a stronger customer proposition for our partners.
Our Smart Energy Platform gives visibility of the low-carbon technologies connected to it, with access to detailed live and historical data to see how devices are performing instantly. The Platform enables performance monitoring, diagnostics and pre-emptive maintenance for greater efficiency and lower operating costs.
Our Smart Energy Platform guides an installer through the process of connecting and commissioning low-carbon technologies, resulting in a streamlined installation with lower upfront costs and fewer costly remedial visits.
Our Smart Energy Platform allows low-carbon technologies to be aggregated and operated flexibly in response to Demand Side Response signals. This can unlock new revenue streams through wholesale energy trading and ancillary service provision.
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