Solar Energy Generators Connected to the Grid
In the recent years and for different reasons (e.g. environmental contamination, use of clean energies, etc.) the utilization of these generators for supplying alternate current electric power, as they operate on a parallel basis with the electric power distribution grid, to single-family housing units, business premises, and commerfcial and industrial buildings has become widely accepted in many countries. For this application, the direct current electric power delivered by the solar energy generator is transformed into alternate current electric power (e.g. 220V – 50 Hz) by means of pure sine wave inverters, of high conversion efficiency (higher than 95 %) and greatly reliable. The smart Inverter becomes automatically synchronized (voltage and frequency) with the electric grid to which it is connected.
The inverter permanently monitors the condition of...
The inverter permanently monitors the condition of the electric supply from the grid. In the event of failure, the inverter disconnects the solar panels for safety purposes and thus it annuls the solar contribution of electric energy.
Components of these Systems
Photovoltaic Modules
SOLARTEC KS 90T model modules, manufactured in our premises located in La Rioja Industrial Park, are employed for low-power installations. See the electric and mechanical features of these modules on this page.
The modules manufactured by KYOCERA (Japan) or SOLARWORLD (USA), of a unit power higher than 200 Wp, are used for middle- and high-power installations. These companies are the biggest manufacturers of these modules worldwide.
Module-Supporting Structure:
This structure features are defined for each case in particular and depend upon the place where each user decides to install the solar energy generator (e.g. a terrace or horizontal roof, a park near the pertinent building, sloping, metallic, tiled, or other type of roofs, and parking premises in the open, where panels are useful to provide cars with shadow.
The choice of the location should take into account that the modules have to be preferably oriented northwards and that the near trees and buildings do not have to project any shadows on the solar energy generator, especially at noon.
Wiring and Interconnection
The photovoltaic modules are series-parallel interconnected to each other so as to reach the current intensities required by the inverter. These interconnections will be made in compliance with the highest electric safety standards.
Current Inverter
For our installations we use Sunny Boy model inverters, manufactured by SMA Technologie AG from Germany. These equipment units are the most widely sold for this type of applications.
Our Company distributes them in Argentina and gets advice from their manufacturer on a direct basis. On the other hand, these equipment units have been certified in Argentina under the applicable Electric Safety standards.
- There are models of different power ranges, based upon the same construction principle and details.
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