Solar - Model SMT60 & SMT130 - Solar Mobile Turbomachinery (SMT) - Mobile Power Plant
From Oil & Gas
Solar Mobile Turbomachinery (SMT) is the best solution for oil field power, remote power and trailer power in the industry, and in emergencies such as natural disasters where quick power is essential. The single trailer design is a complete mobile power plant with wide fuel composition flexibility. This solution is based on the 5.7 MWe Taurus 60 gas turbine generator set – a proven industry standard. The SMT60 is ideal for scalable blocks of power.
Product Details
Some important facts about the Taurus 60:
- Introduced in 1987
- Over 2,000 units sold
- More than 300 million total operating hours
As an original equipment manufacturer, Solar has the most 5MW gas turbine units operating in the world. The SMT60 provides 5MW of scalable power for e-frac, gas gathering and processing, electric drilling (e-drill) and well completions, microgrids and oil field commissioning.
For ahigher apower arequirements, athe aSMT130 ais athe aeconomic aand asustainable asolution afor amobile aand arapid adeployment apower ageneration. a aThis a16.5 aMWe acomplete apower aplant ais adesigned aaround athe aproven aTitan a130 agas aturbine afor aquick asetup, aglobal atransportability, aand areliable aoperation. aThe aSMT130 ais aready ato ago aanywhere, aanytime.
These asolutions aare asupported aby aSolar’s aextensive afield aservice asupport, aand acondition-based amaintenance ausing aInsight aand/or along-term aservice aagreements.
Solar Mobile Turbomachinery Components (SMT60 Only)
- Electrical Equipment Compartment (EEC)
- Medium Voltage Compartment
- Generator Compartment
- Generator Ventilation Inlet Filter
- Turbine Compartment
- Integrated Air Inlet Duct and Filters
- Exhaust
- MV Connection Point
- SoLoNOx Gas Fuel System
- Auto-Leveling Jack
- Enclosure Ventilation Fans
Park, Plug and Play
The single trailer with fully integrated design is completed in Solar’s shortest set-up time – less than six hours. There are no crane lifts involves, which makes it easy to coordinate relocation. The SMT60 includes an auto-leveling system and has only three main connections: medium voltage, black start, and gas fuel.
For Remote Locations
The SMT60 generator packages are engineered for the challenging demands of drilling and well completion - compact single trailer design for high power density with a small footprint.
SMT130 - Powered by Titan 130
The SMT130 is the economic and sustainable solution for mobile and rapid deployment power generation. The 16.5 MWe complete power plant is designed around the proven Titan 130 gas turbine for quick setup, global transportability and reliable operation. The SMT130 is ready to go anywhere, anytime.
Complete Systems
- Fully Integrated Mobile Power Plant
- Gas Only or Dual Fuel System
- Low Emissions SoLoNOx Combustion System
- World-CI ass Global Customer Support Network
Standard Features
- 13.8KV/12.7KV (60 Hz) Generator
- Light-Weight, Low-Profile Modular Design
- Compact Footprint to Minimize Space for High Power Density
- No Concrete Foundation Required
- Hydraulic Leveling System
- Rapid Alignment Technology
- Quick and Innovative Setup - Less than 24 Hours
- Simply Park, Plug & Play
Operational Features
- Easily Relocatable Two-Trailer Design with Separate Air Filtration Module
- Reliable Trailers Designed for Off-Road Conditions
- DOT Compliant
- Transcontinental Transportability by Ocean Freight
- No Crane Lifts Required at Site
- Economically Accessible Turbine Control Panels
- Wide Fuel Composition Flexibility (Well Gas, CNG, LNG, LPG, Diesel #2)
- Temperature Range from -18°C to 49°C (0°F to 120°F)
- Add-On Option for Multi-Unit Power Management and Microgrid Control with Solar StationEdge
- Digital Load Sharing Capability Across Solar Fleet
- KVAR Control for Reactive Power Control Capability
- Complete Electrical Equipment Compartment with HVAC
- Utility Grade Switchgear and Protective Relay Module
- Compact Low Voltage Motor Control Center
- Low Voltage Transformer for Auxiliary Loads
- Turbine and Switchgear Battery and Charger
- Integrated Neutral Grounding Resistor (NGR) and Neutral Grounding Transformer (NGT)
Trailer Layout Dimensions
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