Solidus Industries

Solidus Industries

- Model ZOK 27 - Gas Turbine Compressor Cleaner & Corrosion Inhibitor



ZOK 27 is a powerful water-based gas turbine compressor cleaner and corrosion inhibitor. Originally developed for the UK Ministry of Defence over 40 years ago, ZOK 27 is used all over the world today within the Aviation, Marine, Power Generation, Oil and Gas and Industrial sectors. Regular on-line and off-line washing with ZOK 27 produces outstanding results in gas turbine engine performance: reducing fuel consumption, exhaust gas temperatures and emissions, while simultaneously increasing power recovery and the overall lifespan of engine components – ultimately maximising the ROI on your gas turbine.

Product Details

ZOK 27 is a powerful water-based gas turbine compressor cleaner and corrosion inhibitor. Originally developed for the UK Ministry of Defence over 40 years ago, ZOK 27 is used all over the world today within the Aviation, Marine, Power Generation, Oil and Gas and Industrial sectors.

Regular on-line and off-line washing with ZOK 27 produces outstanding results in gas turbine engine performance: reducing fuel consumption, exhaust gas temperatures and emissions, while simultaneously increasing power recovery and the overall lifespan of engine components – ultimately maximising the ROI on your gas turbine.

The Benefits

The Benefits

A regular on-line and off-line washing schedule is essential to operate any gas turbine at its peak performance.

A major source of power loss for gas turbines is airborne contaminants, fouling the compressor and Inlet Guide Vanes (IGVs). These foreign contaminants reduce the efficiency of the compressor blades and IGVs.

Regular scheduled compressor washing with ZOK 27 provides:

  • A reduction in unplanned downtime
  • A reduction in exhaust gas temperature
  • Power recovery
  • An increase in fuel efficiency
  • A reduction in harmful emissions
  • An increase in the overall lifespan of engine components.


ZOK 27 is suitable for both on-line and off-line compressor cleaning. An efficient clean can be achieved even during the very short dwell times of a hot wash. The corrosion inhibitor allows engines to be left ready for instant restart, even in salty offshore conditions. Water rinse and dry out runs are not necessary unless recommended by the engine manufacturer. The concentrate is easily diluted for use in the Aircraft, Marine, Oil and Gas, Industrial and Power Generation Industries.

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