Flame Spray SpA

Flame Spray SpA

- Model 287 - Thermal Load



The Spraylast 287 series includes various types of Yttria Partially Stabilized Zirconia (YPSZ) coatings, all characterized by a very low thermal conductivity. Spraylast™ 287 coatings are the perfect solution where high Thermal loads have to be faced. Gas turbines and other large industrial equipment with high thermal efficiencies contain components or parts that are subjected to immense thermal stress (like thermal fatigue). To contain this stress it is necessary to reduce the surface temperature of the combustion components. An efficient way to achieve this result is to apply a coating with a low thermal conductivity like a ceramic material (Zirconia stabilized Yttria ZrO2 - Y2 O3).  These coatings are commonly called Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) and are applied by means of Atmospheric Plasma Spray (APS).

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