VKK Standardkessel Köthen GmbH

VKK Standardkessel Köthen GmbH

Steam Accumulators



Using steam accumulators, VELDE Boilers and Plants enables a consistent and effective mode of operation of the steam boilers with heavily fluctuating steam requirements. Dimensioning and design are tailored completely to specific needs for a constant mode of operation of the plant as a whole. With a steam accumulator, the steam boilers integrated into the system can be operated continuously in the optimal performance range, independent of secondary processes.

Products Details

In the event of excess production of steam, this steam quantity can be secured in the steam accumulator. To this end, the storage tank is loaded in that the steam is conducted into it, thus filling the tank and increasing the pressure at the same time. This process can be performed for as long as required until either the maximum pressure or the maximum level has been reached.

If the operating condition arises in which more steam is required than is generated, the requisite steam quantity can be regained from the steam accumulator. To this end, the unloading valve in the upper part of the accumulator is opened. At this point, the available dump steam is fed into the existing steam network. This process can be performed for as long as there is more excess pressure in the storage tank compared to the rest of the steam network.

Once the steam accumulator has been unloaded, the tank is to be filled again the next time there is a steam surplus.

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